Circuit Courts.
Representation of Justices of the
Provincial Court, 503; proposal to try
all crimes in the Counties before
County Courts, 510, 614, 622; rejected,
528, 641; conference, 529, 530, 531,
540, 641, 642, 643, 652; report of con-
ference, 542, 650; bill for establish-
ment of Circuit Courts, 552, 555, 661,
681; passed, 564, 690.
Convicts, Imported.
Act to prevent evils arising from,
494, 496, 507, 598, 599, 604, 605, 611,
Councillors' Allowances.
Consideration of, referred in Lower
House, 81; resolution of Lower House
to discontinue, 526, 620, 626; discus-
sion thereon (U. H. J.), 526, 538, 546,
548, 549, 555, 561, 562, 565, 566, 567,
568, 571, 572, 573, 575, 580, 581, 585,
587, 588; (L. H. J.), 638, 648, 655, 656,
683, 686, 689, 690, 691, 692, 698, 700,
701, 702, 704, 705, 707, 712, 715, 717,
719; Committee of Conference, 551,
660; letter of Governor to Upper
House, 583; address of Lower House
to Governor, 584, 714; reply of Gover-
nor, 585, 715; reservation of claim by
Upper House, 588, 719; Governor re-
bukes the Lower House, 592, 724.
Education (see Free Schools).
Fire Engine.
Purchase ordered, 146, 148, 163, 227,
228, 240.
Letter from Governor of New York,
127, 167, 206, 243.
Free Schools.
Recommendations of Lord Balti-
more, 7, 11, 69, 70; report of confer-
ence, 388, 459; action deferred, 462,
463, 465; establishmcnt of, in every
county, 496, 541, 548, 550, 553, 606,
654, 657, 659, 680.
George I, King.
Address of the Assembly, 574, 706.
Hemp and Flax.
Measures for encouragement of pro-
duction, 157, 160, 161, 235, 239, 553,
Complaints of Nanticokes and Chop-
tanks, 178, 252; remedial measures,
181, 182, 186, 254, 256, 257, 259; ne-
gotiations for peace with Senecas and
Tuscaroras, 187, 188, 259; Shuan-
noes charged with harboring runaway
slaves, 353, 383, 431, 459; restrictions
upon alienation of lands, 361, 371, 382,
443, 458, 462; Nanticokes complain of
continued encroachments, 496; treaty
of trade with northern Indians and re-
peal of export duty on fur, 504, 523,
615, 636; conference upon land tenures,
515, 522, 524, 627, 629, 633; bill for
regulation of same, 538, 545, 550, 606,
625, 635, 637, 648, 657; reference to
relations with, 697.
Law Books.
Purchase for use of Court, 546, 654.
Light house.
At Cape Henry proposed by Vir-
ginia, 125, 130, 204, 210.
Amendment of law urged by Upper
House, 133, 139, 153, 214, 220, 232; re-
sisted by Lower House, 135, 148, 215,
229; action deferred, 156, 235, recom-
mendation of Governor, 336, 403; reg-
ulation of fines, 377, 381, 454.
Officers' Fees.
Comment of the Proprietary on Act
for Limitation of, 10, 68; reply of
Lower House, 108; rejoinder of the
Proprietary, 123, 201; Upper House
recommends amendment, 172, 177, 247,
251; Lower House replies, 173, 179,
247; sentiment of Upper House, 184;
argument of Lower House, 262 ;
amendment urged by the Proprietary,
488, 600; amendatory bill passed, 588,
589, 720, 722.
Regulation of, 149, 151, 159, 170,
230, 231, 237, 242.