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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 759   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Baltimore and Guilford, Lords.
Address to the Assembly (1720), 3,
62; articles of instruction, 7, 8, 66; dis-
sent to certain Acts of Assembly, 9, 10,
68; decision reserved on an Act reg-
ulating Officers' Fees, 10, 68.

Baltimore, Charles Calvert, 5th Lord, and
Address of the Upper House ( 1720) ,
54; address of the Lower House, 107 ;
address to the Assembly (1721), 121,
200; dissent to certain Acts of As-
sembly, 122, 200; decision reserved on
an Act regulating Officers' Fees, 123,
201; address of Upper House, 183; ad-
dress of Lower House, 260, 263; ad-
dress to the Assembly (1723), 487, 600;
dissent to an Act of Assembly, 487,
602; his need of experienced advisers,
489, 601; instructions to the Governor
concerning English statutes, 493, 602 ;
address of the Lower House, 692.

Blakiston, Col. Nathaniel (agent of the
Province in England).
Commended by the Proprietary,
4, 63; his report submitted, 5, 65 ;
employment discontinued by Lower
House, 171, 176, 179, 182, 246, 250,
253, 256; action opposed by Upper
House, 175, 177, 180, 249, 251, 255;
letter of Lower House to Lord Balti-
more, 263; letter to Col. Blakiston, 264.

Bordley, Thomas.
Dismissed from the Council, 277 ;
inquiry by Upper House, 283; reply
of the Governor, 284; appears before
Upper House, 286; his petition, and re-
ply of Upper House, 299; address of
the Upper House to the Governor, 301 ;
elected to the Lower House, 344, 417;
appointed on Committee of Laws, 421.

British Statutes (see Statute and Com-
mon Law of England) .

Brooke, Thomas.
Censured by the Proprietary for
hasty action in assuming government,
4, 62; reply of Upper House, 55; reply
of Lower House, 107.

Burnett, William, Governor of New York
(see Fortifications).

Calvert, Charles, Governor.
Address to the Assembly (1720), 4,
63; address of the Upper House, 35 ;
address of the Lower House, 80; ad-
dress at close of the Session, 57, 113;
address to the Assembly (1721), 123,
202; address of the Upper House, 131 ;
letter to the Lower House, 161; address
of the Lower House, 208; address at
close of Session, 190, 265; address to
the Assembly (1721/2), 276, 308; ad-
dress to the Upper House (see also
Thomas Bordley) , 277, 309; address of
the Upper House, 282; his reply, 284 ;
address of the Upper House, 301; his
reply. 302; address of the Lower House.
313; his reply, 316; address at close of
Session, 303, 331; address to the As-
sembly (1722), 336, 403; address of
the Upper House, 339; address of the
Lower House, 408; prorogation of the
Assembly, 398, 472; address to the
Assembly (1723), 485; allusions to his
marriage, 486, 491; address of Upper
House, 491; his reply, 492; address of
the Lower House, 597; his reply, 598 ;
address to the Assembly, 504; reply
of Upper House, 525; reply of Lower
House, 629; letter to Upper House,
583; address of Lower House, 584,
714; his reply, 585, 715; address at
close of Session, 592, 724.

Compensation for copy of laws sent
to England, refused by Lower House,
180, 181, 185, 254, 255, 257; subse-
quently allowed, 186, 258; allowance
continued, 430, 613, 636, 699.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 759   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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