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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 742   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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742 Assembly Proceedings, September 23- October 26, 1723.


Mr Robert Martin, William Stoughton, Esq. Mr Robert King,
and Mr Levin Gale.
For Dorchester County, the Reverend Mr Thomas Howell,
Colonel Roger Woolford, Major Henry Ennalls, Captain
John Rider, Captain Henry Hooper, Captain John Hudson,
and Mr Govert Lockerman.
For Cecil County, Colonel John Ward, Major John Dow-
dall, Colonel Benjamin Pearce, Mr Stephen Knight, Mr Ed-
ward Jackson, Mr Richard Thompson, and Mr Thomas
Johnson, junior.
For Prince George's County, the Honourable Charles
Calvert, Esq. Governor, the Reverend Mr Jacob Henderson,
Mr Robert Tyler, Colonel Joseph Belt, Mr. Thomas Grant,
Mr George Noble, and Colonel John Bradford.
For Queen-Anne's County, the Reverend Mr Christopher
Wilkinson, Philemon Lloyd Esq. Richard Tilghman, Esq.
Mr James Earl, senior, Mr William Turbutt, Mr Augustine
Thompson, and Mr Edward Wright.
IV. The which Persons, so nominated, appointed, author-
ized and named, for the several and respective Counties as
aforesaid, or the major Part of them, in case of Death, or
Absence of any, are hereby required with all convenient Speed,
to meet at such Place within their County, as to them shall
seem meet, to qualify themselves for the Office of Visitors of
their County Schools, which they are to do, bv taking the
several Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly, and signing the
Oath of Abjuration, and the Test, according to the Directions
thereof; and also, taking an Oath for the Discharge of the
several Duties and Trusts reposed in them, in the Words
following, viz.
I A. B. do Swear, That I will duly and faithfully discharge
the Duties and Trusts committed to me, as a Visitor of
County School, according to the best of my Skill and Cunning.
So help me God.
The which Oaths are to be administered by any of the Four
Persons last named for the County, to the Person First
named, or in his Absence, to any one of the Three Persons
first named, that shall be present, the which Person being
Sworn as aforesaid, shall administer the Oaths aforemen-
tioned to all the Rest: And so Successively, the Persons first
named, that shall be present, shall always administer the said
Oaths to any that have been absent, or that shall hereafter
be elected and chosen, pursuant to the Direction of this Act,
to supply the Place of any that shall be dead, or removed out
of the County: And the aforesaid Persons, or the Major Part
of them, being Sworn as aforesaid, shall be constituted and

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 742   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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