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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 741   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Acts. 741

bly, there shall (for the Ends before mentioned) be erected
One School in each County within this Province, at the most
convenient Place, as near the Center of the County as may
be, and as may be most convenient for the Boarding of Chil-
dren, at the Discretion of the Visitors, or the major Part of
them, that are hereafter nominated, appointed and impowered
by this Act, in each County.
III. And be it therefore Enacted, by the Authority, Ad-
vice, and Consent aforesaid, That for the Time being, the
Seven several Persons hereafter named for each County, be,
and are hereby nominated, appointed, and named Visitors,
and are impowered with full and sufficient Authority for dis-
charging the several Offices, Duties and Trusts, reposed in
and required of them by this Act, within the seyeral and
respective Counties wherein they reside, (That is to say),
For St. Mary's County, the Reverend Leigh Massey, James
Bowles, Esq; Nicholas Lowe, Esq; Mr Samuel Williamson,
Colonel Thomas Trueman Greenfield, Mr Thomas Waughop,
and Captain Justinian Jordan.
For Kent County, the Reverend Richard Sewall, the Rever-
end Alexander Williamson, James Harris, Esq; Colonel Ed-
ward Scott, Mr Simon Wilmer, Mr Gideon Pearce, Mr Lam-
bert Wilmer.
For Ann-Arundel County, the Reverend Mr Joseph Cole-
batch, Colonel Samuel Young, William Lock, Esq. Captain
Daniel Mariartee, Mr Charles Hammond, Mr Richard War-
field, and John Beale, Esq ;
For Calvert County, the Reverend Mr Jonathan Cay, John
Rousby Esq; Colonel John Mackall, Colonel John Smith,
Mr James High, Mr Walter Smith of Leonard's Creek,
Mr Benjamin Mackall.
For Baltimore County, the Reverend Mr William Tibbs,
Colonel John Dorsey, Mr John Israel, Mr William Hamilton,
Mr Thomas Tolley, Mr John Stokes, and Mr Thomas Shere-
For Charles County, the Reverend Mr William Maconchie,
Mr Gustavus Brown, Mr George Dent, Captain Joseph Harri-
son, Mr Robert Hanson, Mr Samuel Hanson, and Mr Randal
For Talbot County, the Reverend Mr Henry Nicholls, Col-
onel Matthew Tilghman Ward, Robert Ungle, Esq. Mr Robert
Goldsborough, Mr William Clayton, Mr John Oldham, and
Mr Thomas Bozman.
For Somerset County, the Reverend Mr Alexandei
Adams, the Reverend Mr James Robertson, Mr Joseph Gray


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 741   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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