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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 699   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 699

State and as those Allowances Ought to be founded on Some
Law or on a Just and reasonable Custome and there being no
Law now in force, nor Custom that had any reasonable foun-
dation that we know of We cannot recede from our former
Resolutions nor Agree to put our Own Allowances which
are founded on a Law in force upon the same foot with that
which has none to Support it. And if it be your Honrs Reso-
lutions not to Assent to our Allowances, which you are Con-
vinced, as we doubt not, are Just and reasonable and have a
Law in force to Support them, for no Other Cause but that
we will not Assent to your Honours Claims which we have
given you our reasons for, we shall only Declare that your
Honours make Such use of your power in this Case as we hope
this House never will of theirs.
We therefore herewith send the Journall of the Committee
of Accounts again to your Honours waiting your finall

Sign'd p Order M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

Which with the Journall therein mentioned was sent to the
Upper House by Colo Mackall and five Others.
They return and Say they Delivered them.
Resolved that the Chancellor be Allowed Six hundred
pounds of Tobacco for each Copy of the Body of Laws for the
Publick and Countys and Eight hundred pounds of Tobacco
for Copying the Laws to be Transmitted to England.
The House proceeds to tax the ffees on the severall Bills
following viz :

L. H. J.

P. 96

On George Robins Bill
To the Honourable Speaker
To the Clerk

£ s. d.
3: 0:0
1: 10: 0

On Robert Gordons Bill
To the Honourable Speaker
To the Clerk

1: -: -
00..10 ..


On the Rector of Annapolis Bill

To the Honble Speaker
To the Clerk

2.. — ..-

1.. — ..-

On Ann Arundell County Bill

To the Honble Speaker
To the Clerk

1.. — ..-

The petition of Patrick Creagh praying that he may have


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 699   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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