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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 698   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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698 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.

L. H. J.

We Humbly hope your Lordship by so Strictly requireing
your Governour here to Discountenance any doubts Concern-
ing these Matters does not in the Least intend thereby to
Influence or Discourage the most inconsiderable of your Ten-
ants from Makeing Any Attempts to Support our Rights,
Against what Seems to be Intended by that Instruction.
For we can with pleasure Declare to the World that we have
so much Confidence in your Lordships Candour Ingenuity and

p. 95 (bis)

Justice, as Encourages us to Insist with Zeal and freedom on
the Maintaining What Appears to us, to be our Right without
The Least fear or Doubt of your Lordships Anger for our
Doing what your Lordship knows to be so reasonable; nor
doe we doubt but that your Lordship will Explode the notions
We hereby Endeavour to Explode But should there still
remain Doubts; We proffess to your Lordship that what we
have now Offered Contains but Little in Comparison of what
we have to Offer, did the time of this Sessions allow it, or the
Case seem to want it
We hope your Lordship will on this and all Other Occasions
find that your Antient faithfull Tenants here, are much better
Informers concerning the true State of your Country, than
any who perhaps have not been above four or five years in it,
or may be, never know more of it then by hear say from such,
or from Less Capable Informers.
What further your Lordship is pleased to Recommend we
shall pay a Due regard to.
We Humbly pray your Lordships perusall of some Resolves
of this House made Last Sessions, Relateing to those matters
which we humbly Lay before your Lordship.
We Assure your Lordship none shall be more Loyall duti-
full Subjects to his most Sacred Majesty King George by and
under whose protection and Laws we Claime what we now
Insist on from your Lordship, nor more faithfull tenants to
your Lordship than,
May it Please your Lordship,
Your Lapps most Dutifull and Obedient
Humble Servants

The following Message is prepared viz :

By the Lower House of Assembly. Octobr the 21st 1723.
May it please Your Honours.
We are now we hope come to the Close of the Arguments
about the Allowances your Honours Claim as a Councill of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 698   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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