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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 696   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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696 Assembly Proceedings, September 23-October 26, 1723.

L. H. J.

land, and Likewise any Lands, Tenements, Revenues, Ser-
vices and hereditaments whatsoever within our Kingdom of
England and other Our Dominions May Inherit or Otherwise
purchase, reserve, take have hold buy and possess, and them
may Occupy and Enjoy give sell Alien and bequeath as Like-
wise all Liberties franchises and Priviledges of this our King-
dom of England, freely quietly and peaceably have and pos-
sess Occupy and Enjoy, as our Liege people, born or to be born
within our said Kingdom of England without the Let, Moles-

P. 94

tation, Vexation, Trouble or Grievance of us our heirs and
Successors any Statute, Act, Ordinance or provision to the
Contrary thereof notwithstanding.

The Statutes of England then, may it please your Lord-
ship bind his Majestys Liege Subjects within his Dominions,
as before we have shewn and we Humbly hope that, by the
Above branch of the Charter, we have Sufficiently proved
we are his Subjects and within his Dominions. Therefore
as we are bound by so we ought as we think, to have the bene-
fit of them.
Besides the haveing the benefit of their English Rights
and Libertys preserved to the first Seaters and their pos-
terities (whom your Lordship will please to remember were
Englishmen Encouraged to Transplant themselves from
England to Settle here as an Ample Colony of the English
nation) was one of the Considerations of their Transporting
themselves hither, And Can it be Right now to Deny it us?
The Crown grants us in the name of the Kings Liege People
And Subjects that wee and all his Subjects born here be Deni-
zens and Lieges of him, and his heirs and Successors & of the
Kingdom of England, and be in all things treated, held,
reputed and Esteemed as the Liege and faithfull people of
the King his heirs & Successors born within the Kingdom of
England, and also all Liberties ffranchises and priviledges of
the Kingdom of England, freely quietly & peaceably to have
Occupy and Enjoy, as the Liege people born within the King-
dom of England &ca

Now we pray it may be Enquired how We can be said to
Enjoy the priviledges &c of English men as they do without
Enjoying English Laws as they do? What Secureties have
wee of our English Liberties and our properties, but by the
English Law which if we Can Enjoy no Otherways then on
the precarious Terms (pardon the Expression) of your Lord-
ships pleasure in Assenting or Dissenting to our Acts to be
made for Enforceing them, We then have those Laws to Ob-
tain from your Lordship, Which the other English Subjects
have allready Obtained from the Crown and Consequently

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 696   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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