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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 695   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 695

of the Christian faith and the Enlargement of the Crowns
Empire and Dominion granted to your Ancestor Cecilius and
his heirs &c with many prerogatives as to found Churches
&c to be dedicated and Consecrated According to the Ecclesi-
asticall Eaws of England and to Enjoy all the Rights &c. that
the Bishop of Durham ever Lawfully did in the County pala-

L. H. J.

tine of Durham &c. with Liberty to make Ordinances &c. but
no ways to bind the Right of any person or take away the
Right or Interest of Any person of or in their Life Member
freehold Goods or Chatties.
But as we presume his then Majesty foreseeing that it
would be of Little Service towards the Enlargement of His
Empire, unless he as well Granted the people such priviledges
as might Induce them to Leave their native Soyl to this
Great End, as well as your Lordships Ancestors those preroga-

His Majesty was pleased by the same Charter Likewise to
Declare the peoples priviledges in the following words viz :

Furthermore that this new Colony may the more happily
Increase by the Multitude of People resorting thither and
may Likewise be the more strongly Defended from the In-
cursions of Salvages, or Other Enemies, pyrates and Robbers
Therefore we for us our heirs and Successors do give and
grant by these presents, power Lycence and Liberty unto All
the Liege people and Subjects both present and future of us
our heirs and Successors (Excepting those who shall be
specially forbidden) to transport themselves and families unto
the said province, with Convenient Shipping and fitting pro-
visions and there to Settle themselves, dwell and Inhabit, and
to build and fortifye Castles, Forts, and Other places of
Strength for the Publick and their Own private Defence at
the Appointment of the said now Lord Baltemore, and his
heirs, the Statute of Fugitives or any other whatsoever [in]
the Contrary of the premises in Any wise notwithstanding.
And we will Also, and of our more Speciall Grace for us,
our heirs and Successors, we Doe Streightly Enjoyn Con-
stitute ordain and Command, that the said province shall
be of our Allegiance and that all and Singular the Subjects
and liege people of us, our heirs and Successors, Transported,
or to be transported into the said Province, and the Children
of them, and of such as shall descend from them, there all-
ready born or hereafter to be born be and shall be Denizens
and Lieges of us our heirs and successors of our Kingdom
of England and Ireland and be in all things held, treated,
reputed and Esteemed as the Liege faithfull people of us
our heirs and Successors born within our Kingdom of Eng-

P. 93

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 695   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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