England & Ireland and be in all things held treated Reputed
and Esteemed as the Liege faithfull people of us our heirs
and Successors born within our Kingdom of England and
Likewise any Land Tenements Revenues Services and other
hereditaments whatsoever within our Kingdom of England
and Other our Dominions May Inherit or Otherways purchase
Receive take hold buy and possess and them may Occupy and
Enjoy Give Sell Alien and bequeath as likewise all Liberties
ffranchises and priviledges of our Kingdom of England
freely Quietly and peaceably have and possess Occupy and
Enjoy as our Liege people born or to be born within our said
Kingdom of England without the Let Molestation Vexation
trouble or Grievance of us our Heirs and Successors any
Statute Act ordinance or provision to the Contrary thereof
2 Acts. In an Act made the 19ih day of March 1638 En-
tituled An Act for the Liberties of the people [is] thus Con-
tained viz.
Be it Enacted by the Lord Proprietary of this province by
and with the Advice and Approbation of the freemen of the
Same that all the Inhabitants of this Province being Chris-
tians (Slaves Excepted) shall have and Enjoy all such Rights
Libertys Immunities priviledges and free Customs within
this province as any naturall born Subjects of England hath
or Ought to have or Enjoy in the Realm of England by force
or vertue of the Common Law or Statute Law of England
(saveing in such Cases as the same are or may be Altered or
Changed by the Laws and Ordinances of this province)
And shall not be Imprisoned nor decised or Dispossessed
of their free hold goods or Chatties or be Out law'd exiled
or other wise Destroyed, fore judged or punished then Ac-
cording to the Laws of this province saveing to the Lord Pro-
prietary and his heirs all his rights and prerogatives by reason
of his domination and Seigniory over this province and the
people of the same
The same Sessions In an Act made Entituled An Act for
Erecting a Court of Admiralty is thus Contained viz :
Be it enacted by the Lord Propry of this province by and