parison of those tryable by the Common Law and particular
Acts of Assembly) were Determined by them which Course
has been Continued ever since the Restoration of the Govern-
ment to the Right Honrble the Lord proprietary except in some
particular Cases where the Circumstances of this Province
Rendred the form of proceedings prescribed by Some Acts
of parliament Impracticable and where there have [been]
some Alterations made by Acts of Assembly the people
Always Claiming and Insisting on the Rights and priviledges
of English and Brittish Subjects and the Laws of their
Mother Country as their Indubitable right and Agreeable
to the Royall Charter from King Charles the first of pious
memory to the Lord proprietary.
The Evidence to prove which are four Sorts
Ist The Royall Charter
2d Acts of Assembly
3 Commissions and Instructions to Magistrates and other
4 Judiciall Proceedings Criminall and Civill
1 The Royall Charter recites that the Right Honble
Cecilius Lord Propry being Excited with a Laudable and pious
Zeal for the propagation of the Christian Religion and an
Enlargement of the Brittish Empire had humbly besought
his Majestys Leave to transport at his Lordships Expence
an Ample Colony of the English Nation into this province
and mentions them as motives to his Majesty to Grant this
Country to his Lordship His Majesty tho he grants his Lord-
ship very great and Ample rights and priviledges reserves
the supreme Dominion and Allegiance and Among others
makes the following Conditions- of the Charter viz. That all
the Churches should be dedicated. According to the Ecclesias-
ticall Law of England and that such Laws as should be made
in Maryland should not be repugnant but Agreeable to the
Laws of England as near as might be and to Remove all