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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 523   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Upper House. 523

It is further the opinion of the Conferrees that the Survey
of the Choptank Indians Lands made by the Honoble Phile-
mon Lloyd Esqr Colo Richd Tilghman and Colo M. Tilgh.
Ward is pursuant and Agreable to the Design of the Act of
Assembly made at St Marys in the Year 1669 as appears in
W H fol 34 By which the said Land was Granted to the said

Wherefore we are of opinion
That no Leases already made shall continue longer then
seven years.

That the People concern'd in such Leases be Oblidged to
pay the Rents Contracted for.

That the Indians shall not for the future, sell or lease any
Land upon any pretence whatsoever
That all Leases or Sales since November 1721 be void With
Proviso to make good and Valid all Surveys and Purchases
already bonafide made since November 1721 of Lands which
lye to the westward of Bear Skin Creek and to the Southward
of the Indians Bounds as they were heretofore laid out by Col'
Thos Smithson and Lieu* Colo Thomas Ennals pursuant to an
Ordinance of Assembly
Signed p Order Jno Gresham Junr Clk.

A message from the Lower House by Mr Crabb and Mr
King viz.

U. H. J.

P. 58

By the Lower House of Assembly October the 9th 1723.

May it Please Yor Honors
We have taken into Consideration the Report of the Con-
ferrees that were appointed to Examine into the Indian
Lands, upon Nanticoke and Choptank Rivers and concurr
therewith in all its parts, except that the Indians should not
be allowed to sell or Lease any Part or Parcell thereof upor
any Terms whatsoever, which as it would prevent those that
have Prior Grants to the Act of Assembly past in favour of
the Indians and have not (that appears) Received any Satis-
faction for the same, to purchase from the Indians, we con-
ceive would be a very Great Hardship on them, first to take
away their Lands for a publick Good, and neither make them
a Recompence for them nor suffer them to purchase the In-
cumbrance at the best Terms they Can.
Signed p ordr M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

An Engrossed Bill from the Lower House by Mr Oldhan
and Mr Hudson Intituled an Act Repealing such part of ar

P 59

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 523   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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