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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 522   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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522 Assembly Proceedings, September 2^-October 26, 1 723.

U. H. J

Lands give in their Report of the conference to the House
wch was read and is as followeth

At a Conference held at the House of Mr Francis Bowes
at the Citty of Annapolis on Monday the 7th Day of October
Anno Domini 1723 to Examine into the Indians Lands upon
Nanticoke and Choptank Rivers

Of the Upper House of Assembly

Colo Thomas Addison
The honourable Present

Philemon Lloyd Esqr

Of the Lower House of Assembly

Colo John Mackall
Mr Robert King
Mr Robert Tyler
Mr Thos Gant


Who made Choice of the honourable Colo Thomas Addison
Chairman, And John Gresham Junior Clerk
Adjourned till Tuesday Morning seven of the Clock

Met According to Adjournment
And Upon Enquiry into what Right the Nanticoke Indians
have to the Lands they now live upon; it is found, that they

p. 57

inhabited and had Cabbins upon Chicacoan Creek in the
Year 1668 as in Liber H H Land Council Book fol. 296 And
in the year 1678 as in Liber R R Land Council Book fol 166
It Appears further that in the year 1684 Commisioners
were appointed by his Lordship the Lord Proprietary of this
Province to Assign, and lay out for the said Nanticoke Indians,
a certain Tract or Parcel of Land upon Nanticoke River of
which the Tract lying between the Northwest Fork of Nanti-
coke River and Chicacoan Creek now in the Possession of
those Indians, and Granted them by an Act of Assembly of
this Province made in the Year 1698 we conceive to be a Part.
Whereupon it is the opinion of the Conferrees that the
Nanticoke Indians and their Descendants so long as they
shall claim the same shall enjoy a peaceable and uninterupted
possession of that Tract of Land lying between the Northwest
Fork of Nanticoke River and Chicacoan Creek aforesaid as
the same is butted and bounded by a Certain Act of Assem-
bly of this Province made at Annapolis in the year 1698 as
appears by the Book of Laws fol 166 and that the said
Indians be not allowed to lease any Part or Parcell thereof
upon any Terms whatsoever

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 522   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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