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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 493   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Upper House. 493

Calvert Esqr his Ldshps Lieutent Governour &c of the Prov-

ince of Maryland, (Viz)

C Baltimore
You will herewith receive my Dissent to an Act of As-

U. H. J.

sembly intituled an Act for Limitation of Actions of Tres-
pass and Enjectment to be published and Entered on Record
according to your Forms wch Act is not only Explanatory
of an English Statute not in force in our Province, but seems
by implication to introduce English Statutes to operate there,
which Statutes have been always held not to extend to the
Plantations unless by Express Words Located thither and
you are upon all Occasions so to Conduct yourself on my be-
half as not only not to adrnitt any such practice to take Place in
Maryland but even to discountenance any Doubts concerning
the same and when any of the English Statute Laws are found
Convenient and well Adapted to your Circumstances you
ought specially to Enact them De Noyo, or such part of them
as you find proper for you; and not by an Act of the Province
Introduce in a Lump (as it were) any of the English Statutes
and these Sentiments you may instil and make known as you
see Cause.
This Instruction bears Date at London March the 19th 1722

The Coppy abovementioned, together with his Lordships
Dissent to the Act intituled an Act for the Limitation of
Actions of Trespass and Enjectment with the following mes-
sage prepared thereon was sent to the Lower House by Colo

By the Upper House of Assembly September the 25th 1723
We herewith send you his Lordship's Dissent to the Act
intituled an Act for Limitation of Actions of Trespass and
Enjectment together with a Coppy of his Lordships Instruc-

p. 14

tion to his Honour the Governour giving the Reasons of his

The Petition of John Mackenzey of Talbot County was
Read and Ordered to be thus indorsed viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly 7br the 25th 1723
The within Petition has been Read and is referred to the
Consideration of the Lower House of Assembly.
Signed p Order Saml Skippon Cl Up. Ho.

p. 15

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 493   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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