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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 491   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Upper House. 491

Which Bills were severally read and severally thus in-
dorsed further Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly Septr the 24"' 1723
Read and will Pass
Signed p Order Saml Skippon Cl. Up. Ho.

Then Colo William Holland on Behalf of himself and the
rest of the members of this House Delivered to his Honour
the Governour their Answer to his speech made at the opening
of this Session (Viz.)


By the Upper House of Assembly Septr the 24th 1723
May it Please your Honour
We return you our most hearty Thanks for Comunicating
to us the Transactions of the Brittish Parliament in Relation
to our Staple; and are sorry to hear that some Planters have
made so ill an use of the Benefit intended us by the late Act as
to Occasion the Repeal of it.
Your Honour's kind Advice to mend the Quality of Tobacco
we hope will be maturely Considered by the psent General
Assembly in such a manner as may best procure the Advance-
ment of the Tobacco Trade and be least prejudicial to his
Lordship's Interest towards the Accomplishing whereof our
Endeavours shall not be wanting.
We have had many instances of his Ldps Good Inclinations
to promote the Interest of the People within this Province,
and must acknowledge that his Readiness to acquiesce with
what may Conduce to prevent making trashy Tobacco (wch
will of Consequence lessen the Quantity) and at the same
Time his Direction to you to pass the Revenue Bill for three
years longer as it formerly stood is an Engaging Confirmation
of his tender concern for our welfare
It is a Pleasure to us that our poor Acknowledgmts have
been Acceptable to your Honour; and wish our Abilities
Could have rendered them more Considerable. We are

p. 11

fully Satisfied that your natural Inclination to Goodness and
Justice will prompt you to study the welfare of this province
as well as that near Tye you are pleased to mention, of which
we wish your Honr a lasting Enjoymt Esteeming it our
Advantage so far as it Conduces to your residing amongst Us.
Your Honour's tender care in recomending to us the Easing
the Good People of this Province in their Taxes inforces the

p. 12

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 491   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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