that shall presume to convey away or remove any of the
Things seized, shair for every Offence forfeit Ten Pounds
Sterling; to be recovered and applied as aforesaid.
IV. And for the more effectual putting this Law in Execu-
tion; Be it Enacted, That every Officer of the Customs within
this Province, Provincial Justice, Justice of the Peace, Sheriff,
Under-Sheriff, Vestry-man, Church warden, and Constable,
and every of them, shall be, and are by this Act impowered,
enjoined and required, respectively, to put this Act in Execu-
tion, and to be aiding and assisting to every Person that shall
make any Information or Seizure, on Pain of forfeiting Five
Pounds Sterling for every Neglect or Omission; to be recov-
ered in the Manner, and to the Use aforesaid.
V. And be it further Enacted, That where any Action shall
be brought against any Person for putting this Law in Execu-
tion, the Defendant may plead the General Issue, and give
the special Matter in Evidence, and if a Verdict be found
for the Defendant, or the Plaintiff be Non-suit, or discon-
tinue his Action, the Defendant shall recover Treble Cost.