Tobacco, without first entering the same according to Law,
with the proper Officers; and that whoever shall, without
making such Entry, carry or transport, or cause to be carried
or transported, any Tobacco as aforesaid, shall (for every
Hogshead or other Package,) forfeit Ten Pounds Sterling;
and for every Parcel weighing Five Hundred Pounds of
Tobacco, the like Sum, and so in Proportion for a greater or
lesser Quantity, one Half to the Lord Proprietor, the other
Half to the Informer, or him that will sue for the same; to
be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information,
wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law to be
III. And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietor, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lord-
ship's Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of As-
sembly, and the Authority of the same, That no Person
whatsoever, shall presume to transport out of this Province,
(by Land or Water) any Hogshead, Package or Parcel of
Tobacco, without first entering the same according to Law,
with the proper Officers; and that whoever shall, without
making such Entry, carry or transport, or cause to be carried
or transported, any Tobacco as aforesaid, shall (for every
Hogshead or other Package,) forfeit Ten Pounds Sterling;
and for every Parcel weighing Five Hundred Pounds of
Tobacco, the like Sum, and so in Proportion for a greater
or lesser Quantity, one Half to the Lord Proprietor, the other
Half to the Informer, or him that will sue for the same; to
be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill Plaint or Information,
wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law to be
III. And be it Enacted, That any Tobacco that shall be put
on board of any Boat or other Vessel, in any River or Creek
within this Province, contiguous to any of the neighbouring
Colonies, whence Tobacco hath been usually carried into
such Colonies, or loaden on any Cart, Waggon, or other Land
Carriage, in Places where it hath been usual to carry, or con-
venient for the carrying the same by Land, to the Bay or
River of Delaware, without first obtaining a Permit from the
proper Officer, shall be forfeit, together with such Boat, or
other Vessel, and the Cart, Waggon, or other Land Carriage,
and Horses or Oxen drawing the same; and that it shall and
may be lawful for any Person, in Presence or Absence of any
of the Officers hereafter mentioned, to seize them and every
of them; one Half of the Forfeitures to the Lord Proprietor,
the other Half to any Officer, or other Person, that shall
seize, or cause the same to be seized. And that every Person