to give Security for the well keeping the Gate and fences and
Securing the Horses belonging to the Gentlemen of the Town
and Countrey.
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.
They return and say they Delivered it.
An Engrost Bill for relief of John Macclester of Somerset
County Gent, was read and Assented to & sent to the Upper
house by Mr King & Mr Whittington.
They return and Say they delivered it.
Coll Holland from the upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz.
By the upper House of Assembly 9ber 3d 1722
In Answer to your Message Yesterday by Coll Mackall and
Mr Young This House is of opinion that the Justices of Cal-
vert County do next County Court Appoint any Time between
this and next March Court for the ^freeholders to meet at
Williams's old ffields near Hunting Creek and give their
Voices; and that the Sherriff of the said County set up Notes
at least Thirty Days before the Time of Meeting in all Pub-
lick places; That all persons may have due Notice thereof.
Signed p Order Sam. Skippon Clk Up. ho :
Wth which this House Concurrs and thereupon the follow-
ing Message is sent to the upper House by Mr Sherwood and
Mr Tolley viz:
By the Lowr House of Assembly Novr the 3d 1722.
May it please your Honors
This House concurrs with yor Honours opinion in yor Mes-