By the Upper House of Assembly Novr the 3d 1722.
This Bill being read will pass with a Proviso Added giving
the Other Security or his heires the same advantages with
Mr MoClester he or they bearing an equall part of the Dam-
ages sustained as Security for Bozman.
Signed p Order. Sam. Skippon Qk upr Ho :
Whereupon the Bill was amended Accordingly and past
for Engrossing.
Coll: Ward from the upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
The Bill to enable Tho: Dent to sell Lands &ca Thus Endorst.
By the [Upper] House of Assembly 9ber the 3d 1722.
Read and will pass.
Signed p order. S: Skippon Cl. up Ho.
Whereupon the same past for Engrossing.
James Bowles Esqr from the upper House delivers Mr
Speaker the following Message Viz :
By the upper House of Assembly 9ber the 3d 1722.
This House concurs with your Message this Day by M'
Humphreys and Mr Chairs.
Signed p Order. Sam Skippon Cl. up. ho.