Post Meridiem.
The House meets According to Adjournment.
Richard Young Gent is Appointed Sergeant attendant to
this House and Moses Adney Door keeper who Severally took
the Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly and Subscribed the
Test before James Stoddert Esqr
The Rules of the House read and Approved of and ordered
to be set up and Entred as follows, viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly October the 10th 1722.
Rules and Orders of the Lower House of Assembly to be
Observed by the Members and Others in the sd House.
1. That no Burgess Deputy or Delegate Member of this
House shall use any revileing Speeches or Name any Member
by his proper name but by some other Signification viz: The
Gentl That Spoke last or the Like.
2. That no member Speake above once at the reading of any
Bill or Debate without Licence of the Speaker and if Two
persons or more rise up together the Speaker shall Appoint
who shall Speak first and no Member to Interrupt another or
speake till the other have ended
3. That none Shall Deliver his Opinion or Speak Sitting to
Any Bill or Debate but shall stand up and reverently Direct
his Speech to the Speaker.