General Welfare of the People) to rely on both Houses, there-
fore I Recommend this to your Consideration.
The Practice of Runing Tobacco Over Patomack into Vir-
ginia (Thereby Depriving the Proprietor and the Countrey
of their Just Dues) Deserves some Care to prevent the same
for the future
I have nothing more to lay before you but the Dispatch of
the Publick Affairs, thereby putting the Country to the least
expence; in which you will effectually convince those you
represent That they have made a happy Choice.
Cha: Calvert
Mr Speaker and the rest of the Members returne to their
Owne House where Mr Speaker resumes the Chair, and
reports what his Honr the Governour had before said.
Then the House proceed to the Choice of a Clerke.
Whereupon Michael Jenifer is unanimously chosen as
Ordered that John Beale Esqr and Mr Thos Gant go to the
upper House to present the said Michael for his honor the
Governours approbation and to see him Qualified. They
return and Say they see him Qualified, by takeing the severall
Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly and Subscribing the
Afterwards the said Michael in the House before the
Honble James Stoddert Esqr one of the Justices of the Provin-
cial Court and a Member of this House took the follo Oath of
Clerke Viz :
You do Swear that as Clerk to the Lower House of As-
sembly you shall true Entries make of all such Matters and
things as by the Honable Speaker for the time being and that
House shall be to you Directed, the Secrets of the sd House you
shall not Divulge to the prejudice of the said House or any
Member thereof but shall in all things as Clerk to the sd House
well and truly Demean your Self According to the best of Yor
Knowledge. So help you God