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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 397   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Upper House. 397

according to the Sales thereof made by the Deceased in his
Life time
10. A Further Supplementary Act to the Act for the better
Administration of Justice in Testamentary Affairs, granting
Administrations Recovery of Legacies securing filial Portions
and distribution of Intestates Estates
11. An Act for the Continuance of Process in Baltemore
County Court

U. H. J.

12. An Act for regulating Amerciaments in the Provincial
and County Courts, and directing the Application of them,
and for repealing Part of an Act Entituled an Act for the
better Administration of Justice in the high Court of Appeals,
Chancery, Provincial and County Courts of this Province, for
the more speedy Recovery of Debts, easy Obtaining of Execu-
tions against Persons absenting from the Counties where the
Judgments were Recovered against them; for preventing
Commissioners Sherriffs Subsheriffs and Deputy Clerks to
plead as Attorneys in the respective Courts to which they be-
long; and for Amerciaments in the Provincial and County
13. An Act for the Better Relief of Poor Debtors.
14. A Supplementary Act to the Act for repairing the
Damages already sustained in the Records of the Land, Sec-
retary's Commissarys and County Court Offices and for
Security of the same Records for the future
15. An Act directing how Fines shall be adjudged against
such as neglect to appear at Musters.
16. An Act to prohibit the Clandestine Running of To-
bacco into any of the neighbouring Colonies.
17. An Act to Enable Hugh Matthews to sell a tract of
Land lying in Queen Ann's County Called Jones's Fancy
whereof Dennis Sullivan died Seized
18. An Act for the Relief of some Persons that have
suffered by the misconception of the Laws heretofore made to
regulate the making of Tobacco
19. An Act for Limitation of Actions of Trespass and
20. An Act for the relief of John McClester of Somerset
County Gentleman
21. An Act to enable Thomas Dent of Charles County and
Anne his wife to sell part of a Tract of Land lying in Prince
George's County Called Locust Thicket entailed on the said
Dent's Wife and her Heirs &ca and for entailing other Lands
in Charles Countv in Lieu thereof

p. 55

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 397   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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