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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 396   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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396 Assembly Proceedings, October 9-November 3, 1722.


An Engrossed Bill from the Lower house by Mr Dent and
Mr Hawkins for the Relief of Languishing Prisoners is read
and Assented to by this House and Subscribed Viz.

Novr the 3d 1722
Read and Assented to by the Uppr House and
Signed p Order Saml Skippon Cl Up. Ho.

p. 54

And the original Bill is sent to the Lower House by Col

Young who returns and says he delivered it

Col Mackall and Mr Tyler from the Lower house acquaint
his Honour that their House have nothing of moment lying
before them Whereupon,
Col Addison is sent to the Lower House to acquaint them
that his Honr requires the Speaker and the whole House to
attend him immediately in the Council Chamber, who returns
and says he delivered his Message
Whereupon Mr Speaker and the whole House attend accord-
ingly and saw the following Acts Sealed with his Lordships
Greater Scale of this Province and Assented to by his Honour
the Governour on the Behalf of the Rt HonWe the Lord Pro-
prietary of this Province (Viz)

1. A further supplementary Act to the Act for killing
Wolves Crows and Squirrels.
2. An Act for the Relief of Francis Gandevit and Jno Read
both of the City of Philadelphia
3. An Act for uniting Part of St Pauls Parish in Baltimore
County to Westminster Parish in Ann Arundel County

4. An Act to confirm Lands devised for the Use of the
5. An Act to regulate Prosecutions in Criminal Cases
6. An Act for the Amendment of the Law and the Speedier
Advancement of Justice in Relation to the Assessing of
7. An Act for the Continuing all Causes in the High Court
of Appeals from the Court that was appointed to be held in
July seventeen hundred and twenty Two for the Time therein
8. An Act for the Preventing the destroying of Boundaries
or Bounded Trees and the Bounding of Trees or setting up
Boundaries without lawful Authority
9. An Act to enable James Lloyd and Anne his wife and
Deborah Pemberton surviving Executors of Robert Grundy
deceased, to convey the Lands & Water-Mill therein mentioned

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 396   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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