To which is thus written Viz
October the 25th 1720
Read and Assented to by the Upper House of Assembly.
Signed p Ordr Joh. Beale Cl. Up. Ho.
Mr. Hill wth four others from the Lower house deliver Colo
The Journall of the Comittee of Accts wch is thus Endorst
Ocf the 25th 1720
Read and Assented to by the Lower house of Assembly
Signed p Ordr M. Jenifer Cl lo Ho.
The following Message Prepared Viz.
By the Uppr House of Assembly
Octr the 25th 1720
Gentl. Upon Reading and considering the Supplementary
Act to the Act for ascertaining the bounds of Land in this
pvince ppared by your house and Sent us by Mr Lee and Six
Others of your House we are of Opn that there are Severall
Omissions and Imperfections in that bill which ought to be
Supplyed and which are as followeth
In the first Sheet we Observe you have Invested the Comrs
of Review wth a power of hearing and Determining all Appeals
to them made upon any Judgmt hereafter to be given by the