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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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38 Assembly Proceedings, October 11-27, 1720.

U. H. J.

A Bill agt buying and Selling of Offices and to pvent Cor-
ruption in Officers being read is thus Endorst Viz.

By the Upper house of Assembly

Octr 25th 1720
Read & will pass.
Signed p Order Joh Beale Cl Up. ho.

Sent to the Lower house by Col Addison who Returns and
Says he delivered the same
A Supplementary Bill to the Act Entituled an Act for Lay-

p. 63

ing an Imposition on negroes and on Severall Sorts of Liquor
Imported and also on Irish Servts to prevent the Importing too
great a number of Irish Papists into this Province being read
is thus Endorst Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
Octr the 25th 1720
This bill being read will Pass wth these following Amendmts
to be Incerted instead of the Sevll Words markt therein Viz.
first (Suggesting) Instead of (Importing) 2dly the Words
(Defrauding of the Publick) Instead of those next markt, 3dly
instead of the words (the like) (which) fourthly where the
Law pposes the Oath to be taken these Words (such Owner
or Owners are Obliged to take the following Oath Viz. You
A. B. do Swear that you are the true & only Owners of the
Ship E and have Continued so ever since the time of the Pur-
chaseing the Register now by you Produced and that you have
not pchased the said Vessel nor Obtained the Register afd
to the use of or in trust for any other pson or Persons what-
soever nor for the Sake of Evadeing the Paymt of any Duties
in favour of any Person or Persons whatsoever that are not
Actual Residents within this •pvince. 5thly Instead of the
words Imediately following the said Oath within these two
months these following Viz. (pvided that in Case any Inhabt
of this Province owner as af d shall depart this pvince and go
beyond the Seas about his reasonable Affairs and shall not be

p. 64

Absent there from for above the Space of Twelve months in
Case any Vessel shall happen in his Absence to Require his
Oath as afd such Absent Persons Oath in Such Case may be
dispens'd with all the other Owner's Residents if any there
be takeing the same Oath and the Bennefitt Intended by the
said before menconed Act shall be Allowed to the Owners of
such Vessells)
Signed p Ordr Joh Beale Cl Up ho.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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