The Upper House of Assembly by Col William Holland one
of their members deliver to his Honour the Governour their
answer to his Speech made at the opening of this Session,
which is as follows Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly
October the 11th 1722
May it please your Honour.
With a grateful Sense of your good Inclinations to promote
the Tranquillity of Maryland We return our most hearty
Thanks for your kind speech delivered to both Houses of
Assembly at the opening of this Session
The Assurance you have been pleased to give us of Continu-
ing to prefer the publick Good to your own private Interest
(of which we have had many Instances) is an engaging Cir-
cumstance to oblige us to exert our best Abilitys to cultivate
so good an Understanding that you may not fail of meeting
with the same happy Agreement in this, as you have done in
the former General Assembly
And in order thereto, we will (with a due Regard to the
Expectation of our Proprietor, your Honour's Satisfaction,
and the well Being of the Good People of this Province) dili-
gently apply ourselves to the Consideration of the several
Particulars your Honour has been pleased to recommend,
and to the Dispatch of the Publick Business in General.
The Resolution your Honour has been pleased to make of
relying upon both Houses of Assembly in matters that Con-
cern the General Welfare of the People, is a Convincing argu-
ment of your sincere Intentions to consult the publick Good ;