into your Honours Amendments and therefore insist on the
bill sent up by this House.
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo Ho.
Which was Sent to the Upper House by Coll: John Ward
and five Others, With the bill aforesaid.
They Return and Say they delivered them.
An Engrost Bill for the Relief of Richard Thatcher and
Peter Massey read and Assented to by this House, which being
so Endorst was sent to the Upper House by Coll. Ward
and Capt Codd.
They Return and say they delivered it.
The House Adjorns till two of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Post Merediem:
The House meets According to Adjournment
Coll: Young and Coll: Tilghman from the Upper house
deliver Mr Speaker the Explanatory Bill to the Act for pre-
venting the Makeing Trashey Tobaco and the following Mes-
sage Viz :
By the Upper House of Assembly ffeb. the 26th 1721.
Since you seem so Averse to Comply with the Amendments
proposed by our house in Relation to the Tobaco Law, We
think fit to propose to you the Passing the Bill prepar'd by your
house so farr as it is explanatory of that Law, Only excluding
the repealing Paragraph, for tho' We are willing to explain &
Amend We can by no means consent to Repeal that part of it
unless some other Provision be made instead thereof But
Since We cannot agree upon any such expedient We think it
will be much more acceptable to the good People of this
Province if we only explain the Intention of the former Law,
than if we should return again without doing any thing to
Satisfie the Scrupulous Consciences of those who think they
Cannot Safely take the Oaths therein Prescribed.
Signed p order. Sam. Skippon Cl. up Ho.
Thereupon the Question was put whether the former Votes
shall be resumed or not.
Carried in the Negative by the Majority of Votes.