Monday Morning ffebruary the 26th 1721
The House meets According to Adjournment. Saturdays
proceedings are read.
Coll: Ward and three others from the upper House delivers
Mr Speaker the Explanatory Bill to the Act to prevent makeing
trashy Tobaco &c
With the following Message Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly.
ffebruary the 26th 1721
On reading your Message in answer to ours Relating to the
Additions propos'd by us to be made to the explanatory Bill
to the Act for preventing the Makeing Trashy Tobaco &c.
We Cannot conceive that those Amendments will be any In-
troduction to perjury, unless it be voluntary; for that the
Oaths therein prescribed will be much Easier complyed With
than those in the former Law; and for as much as the passing
the Explanatory Bill as you propose it will render the former
Law inefectuall; which Law by sundry good advices has
alredy had that good Effect in Europe, that it ought to induce
us to use our best Endeavours to preserve it; no Country in
the World (If we are not wanting to our Selves) does make so
good Tobaco for a forreign Market as we; and we Can assure
you upon the Report of our Tobaco Law in England; the Mar-
ket did rise thirty shillings p hhd and that very Law prevented
the Parliament from repealing their Act in our favour, and
further by Sundry Advices We may expect severall ships
with Cargoes to purchase Tobaco in expectation of the Con-
tinuance of our Law, which Otherwise would not have Ven-
tur'd and therefore we insist upon adding those Amendments
proposed without which We do not think it reasonable that
Bill should pass.
Signed p Order. Samll Skippon Cl Up. Ho.
In Answer whereto the following Message was prepar'd
By the Lower House of Assembly.
ffebruary the 26th 1721.
May it Please your Honrs
We have Considered the Reasons in your Message by Coll :
Ward James Bowles & John Rousby Esqrs and humbly Con-
ceive they are not of Sufficient Weight to induce us to come