is to Conform (what we can) with his Royal Inclinations by
encouraging the Hemp Trade, Which our Interest and the
Soyl of the Province, in many Places, invite us to.
Some Advances were made last Sessions in Relation to
Hemp to pay Debts contracted in that Commodity at Six
Pence p Pound, wch (if it be above the Current Price of the
Market in England) will, unavoidably, raise a Clamor in the
Merchants at Home, as a Bad Foundation to Support a Good
Undertaking Therefore I recommend to your serious Con-
sideration whether it would be thought convenient to Appoint
proper Persons in each County, to receive all the merchantable
Hemp, that shall be brought in yearly, at a Price agreeable
to the market in England, and a Reward to those that bring
in large Quantities; This may encourage Industry, and put
People to work on a Manufacture that is not like to be pre-
Gentlemen. I can't help taking Notice of a Report Spread,
that I design to turn Several out of Commission which is en-
tirely false and only raised to create a Misunderstanding
between me and the Good People of Maryland, to whom I shall
always think myself Oblig'd by the Favours I have received
from them, and in particular this present General Assembly
and in Return will sincerely Study the Prosperity of the Prov-
ince, without any private Views of my own; And shall show
the greatest Resentment to the Authors of any Reflection to
the Gentlemen in Commission; finding nothing in their Con-
duct, but what is Agreeable with their Duty to the King, the
Proprietor and the Country
Gentlemen of the Upper House of Assembly.
As in our Legislature (as near as Circumstances will per-
mit) We endeavour by forming three Estates, to Assimulate
that of our Mother Great Brittain making her our Pattern
for Justice; In order to which in Reference to Mr Bordley, I
must let you know that my Discharging him from giving me
further Counsel (he having given me Counsel of pernicious
Consequence) is not design'd to Affect him as a member of
your House, if (as such) he has a Right to sit therein, which
Point I desire you'll enquire into, and inform me of your
Judgments thereon that Justice may be done
I shall conclude with an hearty Recommendation that you
put the Greatest Dispatch to the Publick Affairs and the least
Charge to the Country; And that Parties Factions and News
Makers be discouraged; And in your several Counties recom-
mend to the good People (in these Dismal Times of Trade)
Bearing and forbearing what they can with Each other
Cha: Calvert
p. 4