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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 189   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Upper House. 189

sented to by his honour the Governour, on behalf of the Rt
Honble the Lord Propry of this Province Viz.
No 1. An Act for Reviving An Act Entituled An Act
for raiseing a duty of 3d p hhd on all Tobo Exported out of
this Province for the Uses therein Mentioned.
2. An Act for Reviveing and Continuing an Act of As-
sembly Intituled an Act for Relieveing the Inhabitants of this
Province from some Aggrievances in psecutions of Suits at
3. An Act reviveing and Continuing the Act for Ascertain-
ing the Gauge and Tare of tobo hhds &c.
4. A Supplementary Act to the Act for Stay of Executions
after the tenth day of May Yearly
5. An Act to Limitt the Continuance of Actions in Sevll
Courts within this Province & Ascertaining the manner of
takeing the Evidence of Sea faring men & for Granting Ap-
peals from the Chancery Court to the Govr & Councill
6. An Act for the naturalizacon of Joseph Lazeere and

U. H. J.

Gustavus Hesselius of Prince Georges County and their
Children and Christian Geist of the City of Annapolis Gent.
7. An Act to Confirm the Lands Devised by Robert Ander-
son of Prince Georges County Deceased unto his three Sons
Robert Anderson Cuthbert Anderson and James Anderson
in fee Simple to them and their heirs and assigns for Ever.
8. An Act Empowering the Justices of Prince Georges
County to Levy twelve pounds of tobo p poll on all Taxables
wthin the said County for the finishing the Court house and
building a publick prison for the use of the said County.
9. An Act for the Preventing the makeing of trashy Tobo
& for the bettering the Staple of this Province.
10. An Act relieveing & freeing the Inhabitants of this
Province & Others removeing their families from any Other
Countrys or Collonys to Settle & Inhabitt within this Province
from paying the Duties & Impositions on Negros for any of
their Domestick Slaves
11. An Act for the reliefe of John Connaway of Ann
Arundell County a Languishing Prisoner
12. An Act reviveing & Continuing an Act Intituled an Act
for regulateing of Ordinaries
13. An Act Empowering a Comittee to lay Assess & Appor-

p. 123

tion the Publick Levy for this Present year one thousand
Seven hundred and twenty one
14. An Act Empowering his Honr the Govr for the time
being to Appoint any pson or psons whatsoever to Resurvey
the Indians Lands & Ascertain the Bounds thereof.

P. 124

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 189   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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