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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 188   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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188 Assembly Proceedings, July 18-August 5, 1721.

U. H. J.

Which Engrossed bill being read in this house is thereto
thus Written

Augt the 5th 1721
Read and Assented to by the Upper house of Assembly
Signed p Order Joh Beale Cl Uppr ho.

Which paper bill of the aforesaid Engrost bill Sent to the
Lower house by Col Ward who is required to Acquaint them
that the aforesaid Engrost bill is Assented to by this house
who returnes and Says he Delivered the Paper bill and ac-
quainted them accordingly
Col Woolford & Col Feudal from the Lower house Deliver
his Honr the Govr the following Message Viz.

P. 121

By the Lower House of Assembly

Augt the 5th 1721
May It Please your Honrs

We have Considered your last Message by Colo Tilghman
and have Entred an order on our Journall for the Comittee
for Laying the Levy to Allow the man therein menconed for
his horse and other things lost according to the Value of them
Signed p Order M Jenifer Cl. Lo. ho.

The Journall of the Comittee of Accompts being read is
ordered to be thus Endorst Viz.
Augt the 5th 1721
Read and Assented to by the [Upper] house of Assembly
Signed p Ordr Joh Beale Cl. Up. ho.

Sent to the Lower house by Esqr Bordley with the Treas-
urer of the Western Shores his Publick Accounts ( Sent from
the Lower house) who returns and says he Delivered the
Colo Mackall and Mr Tyler from the Lower house Acquaint
his Honour the Govr that their house have nothing of Business
before them but waits his Honour the Govrs Comands
Col Holland Sent to the Lower house to Acquaint Mr
Speaker that his Honour the Govr requires him and the whole
house to Attend him Imediately in the Councill Chamber
Who returns & says he Delivered the same

p 122

Whereupon Mr Speaker and the whole house Attend his
honour the Governour and Saw the following Acts Sealed
with his Lordships Greater Seal of this Province and As-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 188   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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