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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 185   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Upper House. 185

WP Cannot Desire to be more happily Governed than by
one who makes the Publick Good his rule, And as this is your
Lordships resolution we rest Assured from that And our
Present Governours Inclinations to answer the Ends for which
you were pleased to send him, that we shall Enjoy the happy
Effects of such a Government.
And we Assure your Lordship that we shall faithfully use
our Constant Endeavours that your Lordship may be an
happy Proprietary And ourselves as happy a People
To Approve ourselves Loyall Subjects to our most Gracious

U. H. J.

Sovn And may it please your Lordship your Lordships faith-
ful Tennants & most Dutiful and Obedient Servants
Wm Holland Thomas Addison
John Hall Philemon Lloyd
Matthew Tilghman Ward James Bowles
Thos Bordley

The following Message Prepared Consented to And Agreed
on Viz.

By the Upper house of Assembly
August the 5th 1721
Gentlemen. By your Answer to our Message Concerning
the Chancellors Coppying of the Laws We observe you have
drawn your Conclusion from a Mistaken Principle for the
Chancellor is not Obliged to remitt (as you are pleased to
Term it) the Laws that are made to his Lordship, we take
the same Publick that makes laws Ought to pay the Charge
of them And this We Esteem a Necessary one since our Lord
Proprietary Cannot Judge of nor Assent to them without
haveing them transmitted him Which is his right to have, And
we think it strange you should still Insist on this Matter nor
can we Guess at the reason of it, we Desire your Calm Con-
sideration hereon and that if you have any well Grounded
reasons to alter so long Continued an Allowance you will let
us know them for that as no Law Obliges any Person to do

p. 116

this Service Ex Officio we know no reason for it.
We desire you Likewise to Consider how you would take it
in us should We Dissent to any Customary Allowances made
by you on reasons Grounded as yours seem to be
Signed p order Joh Beale Cl. Up. ho.

Sent to the lower house by Col Ward who returns and
Says he Delivered the same

p. 117

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 185   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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