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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 184   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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184 Assembly Proceedings, July 18-August 5, 1721.

U. H. J.

Circumstances of the Places will Admitt for its by these Laws
we Judge and on the due Execution of them here that we
Depend for Justice Except in such Cases where such different
Circumstances render them Impracticable such we take the
Ascertaining the bounds of Lands to be for the Reasons set
forth in the Preamble of the late Act to which your Lordship
has thought fitt to dissent. But since your Lordship has been
pleased of your Great Goodness to Declare your readiness to

p. 114

Confirm any Law that may Correct the Practice of our Courts
of Justice in relation to Controversies of this nature and that
we find such a law Absolutely Necessary in this Case we have
Concluded to Consider thereof till another Sessions that we
may the more Deliberately form one Agreeable to your Lord-
ships Inclinations And for the reduceing the bounds of Lands
in Dispute to such a Certainty that the owners may know
an End of Suits Concerning them
We shall According to your Lordships Just and kind Inti-
mations use our Endeavours to Discourage the Decision of
Matters of Private Controversey Otherwise than by the
known Establisht Laws And Confess our Parliamentary Pro-
ceedings here have sometime been too much Interrupted by
such Private Disputes but begg leave with the Greatest Sub-
mission to your Lordships Opinion & all due Difference to
theirs that have the honour personally to Advise your Lord-
ship, to Declare our Sentiments that it is highly Necessary
in Some Extraordinary Cases where Justice is due but Cannot
Otherwise be had, That an Especiall Act should Pass Even
betwixt Contending Parties, to prevent a Defect of Justice
And that such Proceeding unless we much mistake is or at
least of late years has been Agreeable to the Practice of the
English Parliament but in Other Cases we shall neither

p. 115

Doubt your Lordships kind Endeavours nor be slack in our
own that the Province may flourish in an unbyass'd Adminis-
tration of the Law in the Establish'd Courts of Justice. As
the Administration of Justice in the Established Courts is
Essentiall to good Government whereon Liberty and Property
intirely Depend And that the due Administration of Justice
Depends much on the Integrity of the Officers and Ministers
thereof We think the Province highly Concerned in useing
their Endeavours to raise such Supports as may Encourage
the most Deserving Men to Act in the Discharge of the most
Important Trusts: And should be glad your Lordships Sen-
timents and just remarks on that occasion wth what assistance
we Can give thereto might be Sufficient to Possess the Dele-
gates with a due Sense of the true State of that matter.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 184   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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