I begg leave to Instance this Proceeding In Parliament
between the Duke and Dutches of Norfolk as a President
in this Case.
By the Upper house of Assembly Octobr 27th 1720.
This Board is of Opinion that the within Mocon is Just &
reasonable and desire the Lower House would Direct their
Clerk to Deliver Wallace or his Council (on application)
Copy's of all the Evidences of any kind that Lye before their
House and to name Commissrs to Examine such Witnesses
as shall be menconed to them on Either Side that are or shall
become unable to Travel, But that such as are to be Sum-
moned Down to Attend next Sessions.
With which this House Concurrs & appoint Coll. Herman
and Col. Hynson or any One to Examine such Evidences as
are not able to Come Downe to Annapolis.
Colo Young from the Uppr House Acquaints Mr Speaker
that his Honr the Govr Comands him and the whole House to
Attend him Immediately in the Council Chamber and with
Thereupon Mr Speaker with the whole House got to the