successively shall Imediately take upon him the Government
of our said province and shall with the advice & Consent of
our Councill for the time being Execute the powers and
Authorities which were or shall be given to such Governour
in Relation to the Government untill the Return of such Gov-
ernour if absent or untill our pleasure be further known
5th And we do hereby Impower the President of our Coun-
cill who dureing the Absence or upon the death of our Leivts
Govr shall take upon him the Governmt as afd to demand and
take of our receiver Generall dureing his Administration out
of such mony as shall be raised by Vertue of the afd Acts
ascertaining the Gauge & Tare of Tobacco hogsheads &c. the
Sume of five hundred pounds p annum And our Receiver
General is directed to pay it accordingly.
His Excellency Declares to this house that he is Comanded
by the Lord Propry to swear Mr Henry Lowe a member of his
Lordships honble Councill in the Room of Thomas Greenfield
Esqr decd
Whereupon the said Mr Lowe being sent for appears and
takes the severall Oaths appointed to be taken by the Act of
Assembly of this province, and also the usual Oath of a
Councellor & Takes his place.
His Excellency Communicates to this house an Article of
their Lordships Instructions to him, Viz.