they have had to the Preservacon of our Constitucon and the
Continuing your Excy their Governour over us of whose
Loyalty Fidelity Honr and Justice We have had so ample an
Experience that We Cannot esteem this the least of their Lpps
Favrs especially since by the Influence of your Excys Ad-
ministration and Example we are encouraged with all ffree-
dom to Demean ourselves as becomes a People truly loyall to
his Majesty Dutifull to their Lpps & Just to our Country.
Which was Sent up to the upper House by Coll Mackall Mr
Stoddert Majr Harris Esqr Rousby Mr Dare Coll Maxwell
Mr Hanson Capt Colegate Mr Emerson and Majr Bradford.
They return and say they Delivered it
The House adjourns till to Morrow morning Eight a Clock
Saturday morning June the 1st 1717
The House meet According to adjournment
Present as Yesterday.
Yesterday's Proceedings are read.
Ordered that the Comittee of Accounts inspect the Laws
that were first made after the revolution to see how the 12d p
hhd for Support of Governt was applyed and the reason
thereof and make their report thereon to the house.
Ordered that the Comittee of Laws Prepare a Bill for the
Adjournment of Talbot and Baltemore County Courts.
On Reading the Peticon of the Coheirs of Arnold Paramore
praying Leave to bring in a Bill to Supply the Defect in Jno
Paramore's will.
Ordered that those concerned for the Heirs of Thomas
Paramore be Served with a Copy of the Peto that if they
think fitt they may appear next Session to answer the Petition.
On a mocon made by Mr Thomas Bordley to be admitted
of Councell with the Secretary in relacon to the Ordinary
Fines. The Question was put whether he should be admitted
or not.
Resolved in the Negative by the Majority of Votes.
The Question being put whether a Bill shall be brought in
for the regulacon of Ordinaries and Ascertaining the Lycence
Resolved in the Negative by the Majority of Votes.
Ordered that Mr Tyler Capt Greenfield and Capt Colegate
Prepare a message to the upper house thereon.