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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 638   View pdf image (33K)
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638 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

L. H J.

Was sent to the upper house by Mr Tasker & Capt Rider
They return and Say they Delivered it.
Philemon Lloyd and Thomas Bordley Esqrs from the upper
house Deliver Mr Speaker the following Messages Viz.

By the upper house of Assembly
April 22d 1720.
We Concurr with your Message this day by Mr Lee and
five others of your house in joyning Phile: Lloyd and Thomas
Bordley Esqrs members of our house with yours to prepare the
address proposed.
Signed p Ordr Joh Beale Cl. Up. Ho

Mr. Speaker.
I Desire you will give my thanks to your house for their so
unanimously doing me Justice in Relation to the 3d p Ton.
Jo: Hart.

The following Message being prepared Viz:

p. 83

By the Lower house of Assembly

April the 22d 1720.
May it please your Honours
We Return your Honours our hearty thanks for your fa-
vour in Obtaining his Excellency's leave to Communicate to
us his Majestys Royall Lycence to him, which having perused
we herewith return, being well Satisfied therewith.
Signed p ordr M. Jenifer Cl: Lo: Ho.

was Sent to the upper house (with the Letter of Licence)
therein mentioned by Mr James Smith and Mr Caldwell.
They return and Say they Delivered them.
Bill Reviving an Act for Regulateing Ordinaries, read the
first and Second times by Especiall order and will pass, which
was so Endorst and sent to the upper house by Mr Dent and Mr
They return and Say they Delivered it.
Coll Ward from the upper house Delivers Mr Speaker the
Bill for regulateing Ordinaries thus Endorst Viz.

By the upper house of Assembly.

April the 22d 1720.
This Bill being twice read will pass.
Signed p Order. Jno Beale Cl: Up: Ho.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 638   View pdf image (33K)
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