Act. for regulating Ordinaries is Likewise revived for the
same time
We most Humbly Acknowledge the Tender regard your
Lordships Express for the Encouragement of Learning here
And have great reason to be Concerned that your Ldps favour-
able Indeavours for the Application of the duty on Tobo Ex-
ported from Plantation to Plantation are not likely to prove so
Effectuall as is Wish't for the Propagation of Schools in this
Province And we shall with great Alacrity Embrace any Op-
portunitys that your Lordships shall favourably Offer to so
good & pious An End.
And we most unanimously Offer to your Lordships our
Joynt & most Sincere Acknowledgment for the repeated fa-
vours bestowed on us from time to time by your Lordship for
whose Long & prosperous Lives (as in Duty bound) we shall
offer up our prayers to Divine Providence.
Which being Approved off by this house is signed by the
severall membrs following Viz.
Wm Holland Samuel Young
John Hall Thos Addison
Phil Lloyd Matt. Tilghman Ward
And Sent to the Lower house to be signed by the Several
members thereof.