ingly have passed a Vote on it, I must Observe to you that
the house have not duly Considered that Law and also that the
Law was Enacted when the Government was Imediately
under the Crown and Still lyes before it for its Assent or
Againe I Cannot take such Persons to be Friends either to
the Lord Proprietor or the Country who woud have his Lord-
ship's Inclinations alone (tho in an Instruction) to have the
Sanction of a Law.
In a word I insist upon it that the 3d p Tonn is due to me as
Govr untill my Comission is Legally Superseeded & resolve to
take all proper measures to maintain it.
Apr ill 21st 1720
By the Upper House of Assembly Aprill the 22d 1720
Gentl. It seems you have been much mistaken by your
answer of the 19th Instant to our Message of the 15th Your
Answer Seeming to relate to matters not touched only (but
very fforeign to that Message) And the Explanation his Excy