Mr Speaker with the rest of the house having waited on
his Excy in the Councill returns and Says that his Excy was
pleased to make the following Speech in the names of the
right honble the Lords Baltcmore and Guilford. Viz.
Baltemore Gent: of the Upper and lower Houses of
Guilford Assembly.
We take this Opportunity to make known to you We have
approved and confirmed all those Laws transmitted to us
which were made ready for our Assent at a Session of As-
sembly begun and held at our City of Annapolis the 17th day
of July in the first year of Our Dominion Except tht laying an
Additionall Duty of four pounds p poll on the King's Protest-
ants as well as other his Majtys Subjects of the Kingdom of
Ireland to which. We have dissented And except the Act
Ascertaining the Gauge & Tare of Tobacco hhds &c. whereby
our own Revenue and the Support of our Goverment are Pro-
vided for, which still lyes before us for our further Con-
As we Cannot enough Comend the loyalty and Zeal you
have shewn for his Majty and the Succession in the illustrious
House of Hannover, so none of those Laws to which We have
Assented met with a more ready Confirmacon than that which
Makes it penall for men to act in Employment without taking
the Oaths to our dread Sovereign King George, whereby
Protestants and Papists may clearly percieve thl your Lord
and Propry is not as has been malitiously suggested by Some a
Papist in Masquerade but a true Protestant of the Church of
England in which Faith he is resolved to live and die.
Gent. We have at heart the Wellfare and Prosperity of
the People of this Province equall to that of our own and are
determined never to do anything that may Seperate that
Union which may tend so much to the comon good an early
Instance hereof We manifested when we directed Capt Hart
to lay before you on what Condicons we were willing to give
up our Quit Rents and Alienacon fines a Condescention which
nothing but the good and relief of the Poorer And more num-
erous Part of our People could have prevailed with us to have
consented to And having done so much on our Part for the
ease and benefit of our People, We are surprized to find that
you should rather Choose to give the Mony which is Appro-
priated to the Support of our Government to the only use of
our Deputy for the Time being rather then our own, wch with
our Honr We never can consent to.
We have therefore Instructed our Lt Govr once more to lay
before you on what Conditions We are still willing to part