Encouragement and to Establish that Manufacture in such
maner as that it may be a Lasting benefitt to this Kingdom as
well as to the Plantations
We further Send your Lordship a Copy of an Account of
the Method practised in Muscovy in making Tarr which phaps
may be of use to the manufacturers of that Comodity in Mary-
land for the same Reason we likewise Send you Rules for
the Raising of hemp.
We are my Lord your Lordships most
Obedt Humble Servants
Charles Cooke
P. Dominique
D. Pulteney
Martyn Bladen
These are to Certifie whom it may Concern that in pursu-
ance of an Act of Parliament passed in the 3d year of the
Reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne Entituled An Act
for the Encouraging the Importation of Navall Stores from
her Majesty's Plantations in America which was Continued
by Another Act passed in the 12th Year of the Reign of her late
Majesty And likewise of the Powers Contained in an Act
passed in the 5th year of the Reign of his Present Majesty
Entituled An Act agt Clandestine runing of uncustomed goods
& for the more Effectuall Preventing of Frauds relateing to
the Customs We have viewed Barrells of Pitch Containing
Tonns which to the best of our Judgments we find to