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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 544   View pdf image (33K)
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544 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

U. H. J.

By the Upper House of Assembly

Aprill the 21st 1720
His Excy having Comunicated to us their Lordship's
Speech lately received It is herewith Comunicated to you
Signed p Ordr Jno Beale Cl Up Ho.

Which Message with the said Speech are sent to the Lower
House by Col Young Esqr Hall & Esqr Lloyd who return &
Say they delivered the same.

p. 96

His Excellency Lays before this house a Copy of a Letter
to the Lord Guilford from the Lords Comrs of Trade relateing
to the Boundaries of Maryland together with a Coppy of a
Letter to the said Lord Guilford from the said Lord Comrs of
Trade in relation to pitch & Tarr with a Copy of the Certifi-
cate that will be Given by the Officers of the Customs ttpon
which Premiums are to be Allowed And the Method of Pre-
paring Pitch and Tarr in Russia as also Rules for raising and
making of Hemp which are as follows, Viz.

White Hall Augt 7th 1719
My Lord. It being Necessary for his Majestys Service and
for the Bennefitt of the Plantations that the Limitts or Bound-
arys of the British Colonies on the Continent of America
should be Distinctly Known & marked Out more particularly
so farr as they may Border on the Settlements made by the
French or any forreign nation we desire your Lordship to
send us as soon as Possibly you Can the Best Informations
you can gett upon this Subject with respect to the Boundaries
of his Majestys Province of Maryland together with a Chart
or Mapp thereof And the Best Account and Vouchers you
can Obtain to Support the same more pticularly with relation

p. 97

to any Settlement that may have been made by the English on
the Frontiers towards the Lakes & mountains your Ldp Will
at the same time be Pleased to Inform us whether the Sub-
jects of any fforeign Prince have made any Encroachments on
the Province of Maryland
We are my Lord Your Lordships most
Obedient humble Servants
J Chetwynd
D Pulteney
Martyn Bladen

White Hall Augt 26th 1719
My Lord. An Act having been passed in the last Sessions
of Parliament Entituled An Act agt Clandestine riming of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 544   View pdf image (33K)
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