15. An Act Impowering a Committee to lay and Assess the
Publick Levy for the year 1717.
After which his Excellency is pleased to Prorogue the As-
sembly as foll
Gent. With the Advice of the Right honourable the Lord
Proprys Councill I have thought fitt and do hereby Prorogue
this Present Generall Assembly untill the first day of October
next ensuing, and do require you to take notice that you are
accordingly Prorogued
So Ends this Second Session of Assembly held for this
Province since His Lordship the Right Honourable Charles
Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of Maryland and
Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore has been restored to his
Government of this Province This eighth day of June in the
second year of his said Lordships Dominion &c Annoq Dmi
Jno Beard
Clk uper house of Assembly