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His Excellency is pleased to ask the opinion of this House
to what time they think it may be proper to prorogue the
Gcnerall Assembly
Advised and Resolved that the Assembly be Prorogued till
the first day of October next
Major Josiah Wilson with Eleven others bring from the
lower house the Address from his Excy The Honrble Councill
and the Lower house of Assembly to his most sacred Majesty,
Signed by the members of that house. Who acquaint his Excy
that they have nothing lying before them to be dispatcht this
Thereupon Ordered that Col Wm Coursey & Col Richard
Tilghman go to the Lower house and Acquaint Mr Speaker
and the Delegates of that house that his Excellency Comands
them to Attend him in the Councill Chamber to see the Laws
made this Session, Sealed and receive their Assent. Who
retd & say they dd the message.
Accordingly Appeared Mr Speaker And the members of the
Lower house, and saw the following Acts sealed with his
Lordships Greater Scale of this Province, And Assented to by
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his Excy on behalf of the Right Honrble the Lord Propry of
this Province Viz.
Ist An Act for the Adjournment of Talbot & Baltemore
County Courts
2nd An Act for quieting differences between the English
and Indians of what places soever
3d An Act for the Punishment of such as shall Counterfeit
his Lordships Scales &c.
4th An Act for building a Court house for Cecill County
5th An Act laying an Additionall duty of 20s Currt mony p
poll on Irish Papists & negroes &c.
6 A Supplementary Act to the Act relateing to Servants
and Slaves.