482 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.
U. H. J.
Several Comissions were brought in by Mr Carroll some
fill'd up to Papists and Others in Blank, and on my refusing to
Admitt the Surveyr Genls of the Eastern and Western Shoar
without first takeing the Oaths Appointed by Act of Assembly
I was not only menaced for having thereby Shutt up his Lord-
ship's Land Office, but Even Insulted on my sick bed, at a late
hour of the Night when in a Dangerous State I was making
my Will as some Honble Gentlemen can testify whom I desir'd
to be wittnesses on the Occasion.
On my Application to their Lordships to be removed from
this Station, rendered unsafe and Dishonourable whilst those
Commissions had fforce their Lordships in due time withdrew
those Comissions and placed them in the hands of Protestants ;
and required me to remain in my Station, acknowledging they
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were Surprized into their fformer Grants to Papists. Mr
Carrol was Examined by me in Councill concerning his im-
poseing on their Lordships (then unexperienced in the Affairs
of Maryland) by Obtaining such a Commission (which Con-
tained more unlawful Powers than are yett mentioned) who
was so farr from Acknowledging his Faults of so high a
nature, that with a haughty air he insisted the Roman Cath-
olicks had a right to hold Offices, And if that right should
be denyed them they would appeale to Higher Powers.
Pursuant to this Declaration the Papists as I am well in-
formed raised Contributions and Sent their Emissaries for
great Brittaine to make good their Claim And by all means to
Endeavour my Removall from this Station as a Main Obstacle
to their Illegal Practices, and so sure was the Faction of their
game that my Ruin was Openly threatened and one of their
accomplices (whom the Pleasure of Providence has since
removed to another Life) went down on his Knees and with
horrid Execrations said, he did not Doubt to see me as fast in
Prison as ever he was (who had been so for murder and other
Crimes) and my Innocent Children set a begging, truly this
unhappy man Aided by the Faction did all that a base mind
could perpetrate to Destroy my Character and Fortune, but
as He and the Papists could alledge nothing materiall for my
Removal which they have attempted for some years past, and
my greatest Crime (in their Construction) being the Defence
of your Laws Providence has hitherto preserved me from
being wholly Offered up a Sacrifice to their Revenge. But
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It would take up too much of your time to Enumerate the
particulars of their Resentments so shall only observe to you
if their Fury has been so outragious to the pson of your
Governour, what must the People have Expected from men
of such Virulent and implacable Spirits, Coud they gain their
Ends on those they Esteem Hereticks