of Government. These He produced to me wherein he had
Power given him to receive all the mony raised for the Sup-
port of Government and Even that for purchaseing Arms for
the defence of the Country.
I refus'd indeed to Comply with both these his Demands as
being Expressly Contrary to the Laws of the Province And
Surely I am Excusable also in Point of Policy for so doing for
I should have been by so Servile a Complyance Reduced to the
Despicable Circumstance of Applying to him for my bread
by Craving of him that Appointment their Lordships were
pleased to nominate for my maintenance And also been Guilty
of betraying this Country into the hands of a man who by
Principle is an Enemy to the Protestant Constitution And this
too at a time when the Rebellion was scarcely Suppressed in
Great Brittain and other Invasions threatned to Destroy it.
This pson not only renewed his Demand of the mony men-
tion'd for the Support and Defence of the Government in his
Letter of the 9th Octobr 1716, But had the Confidence therein
to Caution me against passing some Laws the Assembly then
Sitting had prepared for my Assent. I shall only Mention one
Law I did notwithstanding his Insolent Advice then Pass, Viz.
An Act for the Better Security of his Lordship's Govern-
ment and the Protestant Interest within this province