Resolved that the sume of Six pence a night be paid by all
foreigners to the Corporation, for horse Pasturage for their
use, and Mr Beall Mr Mariarte and Mr Warfield are Appointed
to see that the Gate keeper performe his Duty, and upon neg-
lect of his Duty that they turn him out and Appoint a new one.
The house adjourns till to Morrow Morning Eight a Clock.
Thursday June 4th 1719
The house meet According to Adjournment.
Yesterday's proceedings are read.
Ordered that his Excellency the Governour be allowed by
the Committee for laying the publick levy the Sume of One
hundred and twenty pounds Current money to be by his said
Excellency paid to the Bricklayer on the finishing the publick
work on the Stadt house hill According to the Report of the
Engrost Supplement to the Act relating to Servants &
Slaves read and ordered to be thus Endorst Viz:
June 4th 1719.
Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly and
Signed p order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo Ho.