as this Seems to be and I am verily perswaded that if Applica-
tion be made to the Lords Proprietors they will refuse to
ratifye it. And I am of Opinion that if application were made
to the King in Council such an usage of one of his Majtys Sub-
jects would be directed to be examined into, and if it proves as
represented some redress would be directed which might in
consequence affect the Interest of the Lord Proprietors and
of the Colony of Maryland.
Jo: Hungerford 23 Augt 1718.
The manner of passing this Act without hearing Mr Macne-
mara in his own Defence is Contrary to the Common rules of
Justice and is a Denyall of that right which Every Subject is
by Law intituled unto for which reason as well as from the
Nature of the Act itself which appears to be very Severe and is
not Supported by former Instances in the like cases It deserves
the reexamination of the Lords Proprietors and their dissent
thereto if upon such examination it shall Appear unjust as is
represented and more especially because the matters Sug-
gested agt Mr Macnemara are not of themselves Sufficient to
render him incapable of practiceing.
Question. Whether the said Macnemara by vertue of the
said Act and exception made to the Saving is not disabled to
carry on the Crown's business in Chancery.
The exception in the Saving being generall leaves Macne-
mara Subject to the disability imposed by the Body of the Act