of most of the People here has Little Claim to a Truly Gen-
erous and Liberall Education yet Abundance of youth now
Growing up are unhappily Destitute of those Comon Improve-
ments wch Nature hath made them very Capable of for the
Rendering them better Christians better Subjects to his Maj-
esty & Better Qualified psons for the Just Discharge of the
Sevll Trusts To which Your Lordship or your Successors may
have Occasion to Appoint them as well in the Offices of State
as in the Distribution of Justice & all Other the Exigencys of
Wee Humbly Begg leave to Lay before your Lordships that
by an Act of Parliament of the 25th of King Charles the second
a Duty of One penny p pound was Laid upon all Tobacco