to Trade but is merely for Preserving the Peace of the Prov-
ince which will be so much Endangered by such Convicts That
if the Peace be not more Early secured against them we doubt
many of the honest Inhabitants will be glad to quit their
Settlements here that they may live more secure in some other
Part of the World amongst honcstcr neighbours, We there-
fore pray your Honours Concurrence that Since the bill may
not Pass as at first proposed that at least it may take Place
in six months.
Signed p Order Mic Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.
Mr John Jones & Capt. John Fendall with the bill against
buying and Selling of Offices &c. And the following Message
By the Lower House of Assembly
June 3d 1719
May It please yor Honrs
We take the Amendment Proposed to the bill Against buy-
ing and Selling of Offices &c. to be such as would in a manner
Defeat the whole bill which we think so very Necessary for
the Welfare of this Province, And so agreeable to the Statutes
of the fifth & sixth of Edward the Sixth and of the first of
William & Mary That we must pray your Honours Concur-
rence with us that the bill may Pass with a Provisoe that It
shall Relate only to such Offices or officers as shall be here-