And Whereas Complaint has been made to his Excellency
by his Majtys Comissioners of the Customes in Great Brittain
of the fees taken by the Naval Officers & Collectors in this
Pvince. this board has proceeded to settle the Collectors fees
as by the list herewith sent appears (to which His Majtys Sur-
veyor Generall being present gave his Approbation as being
Just & Reasonable, Also the Naval Officers fees being setled
by this house as by the list likewise sent, which are both recom-
ended you to be added to this Act
Signed p Order Jno Beard Cl up ho.
Sent p Mr Henry Lowe Who returns & Says he Dd it.
Col Hynson & two others with a Bill for laying an Addi-
tional duty of twenty Shillings Currt mony p poll on Irish
Servants being Papists to prevent the growth of Popery by
the Importation of too great a number of them into this
Pvince. And also An Additionall duty of twenty Shillings
Currt mony p poll on all negroes for raising a Supply towards
the defraying the publick Charge of this Province
Which being Read the follo Message is prepared.
By the Uper house of Assembly June 6th 1717
Gent. On Reading this Bill we do not find any Appropria-
tion of the Additional duty in the body of it, but seems to be
designed by the Title towards defraying the pub: Charge of
this Province, therefore are of opinion it would be proper to
apply it to the use of Free Schools which seems to call upon